Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 98 (4/8/11) - Team Picture

Tonight was picture night for Ryan's tee ball league.  It was the first time he tried on his entire uniform.  And, after some creative adjustments, it fit surprisingly well.  He was so excited to see that he looked like a real baseball player.  It was also the first time he got to meet his teammates since all of the practices so far have included players from all the teams in the league.  He's so outgoing though, it didn't take him long to make several new friends.  He's eager to get to know them better over the course of the season.

(Ryan is a bit smaller than many of his teammates, but the league includes children ages 4-6.  So, some of the players could be almost 2 years older than he is.)

1 comment:

  1. Granddaddy and Grami SharApril 9, 2011 at 3:36 PM

    Give him 20 years and he'll be playing for the Orioles at Camden Yards! You look good in that new uniform Ryan. Have fun this summer playing baseball.
