Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27 (1/27/11) - Child Labor

At first I felt sorry for Mike since he had to go into work today, braving the icy roads at 5 am.  Then, I realized he was probably relaxing in the heated hangar, since they were not likely taking any missions due to the weather.  Meanwhile, I was outside trying to snow blow and shovel the driveway.  Luckily, two strapping young fellows offered to help.  In exchange for their shoveling services, I agreed to feed and house them indefinitely.

(Note:  Mike's cruiser is in the garage because he wasn't sure he could get it out of the driveway.  He had to take the Explorer instead since it was better able to handle the road conditions.)


  1. That could be an expensive deal. The guy in the red outfit looks like he could put away plenty of food !!

  2. This is good practice for cleaning their rooms later.
