Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54 (2/23/11) - One step forward, two steps back...

You know it's bad when I am posting... So after Gavin's vomitpalooza the last two nights, he finally seemed to be doing better today. He spent most of the day napping; three hours this morning and another hour plus after lunch sprawled with me in his rocker. But he seemed to be doing better by dinner time. And then....

Michelle started getting sick. So Mr. Mom got to work while she was "sequestered." Things seemed under control until the doorbell rang. Comcrap (aka Comcast) was trying to sell some of their inferior products which we previously swore off to the end of eternity after bad experiences in Germantown. Hence, the Comcrap moniker. As I am trying to run this guy off, Michelle calls from her sequestration location. I turn to see Ryan vomiting a flood of filth and unidentifiable debris not seen since Katrina buried the Ninth Ward. Foolishly I pick him up and move him away from it not thinking to ask if he was done. He wasn't.

Meanwhile Michelle keeps tripping over helpful Gavin who tries to follow her on each of her 30 odd panicked runs to the bathroom. Ryan went to bed with a bucket next to his pillow. Gavin went to bed because the crib offered the safety of high ground (the flash flood warning is still in effect). Michelle choked on some of her spleen this last go around and has a work project that was due tomorrow. The only good news is Gavin seems ok after a 24 hour run or so. I guess its good news I'm not sick yet. A day or two and things will be back to normal around here. But until then know it's bad when I'm posting.


1 comment:

  1. Great job, Mike! You still have a sense of humor after all those problems. Hope everyone is feeling better. BTW, what is normal?
