Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59 (2/28/11) - Dog Tired

After a brief reprieve over the weekend, the boys' vomiting and diarrhea has resumed.  We're all tired and weary - tired of feeling sick, multiple baths a day, endless laundry, countless diaper/clothes changes, diaper rash, not sleeping through the night, missing school, watching TV, not being able to leave the house, etc.  We're ready for everyone to be healthy again!  Even Guinness is exhausted by it all.  I hope for all of our sake's, but especially for the boys', that things improve soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Granddaddy and Grami SharMarch 3, 2011 at 11:57 PM

    Look on the bright side: at least Guinness didn't get sick and add to the clean-up tasks !
