Monday, October 24, 2011

Day (10/24/11) - Boo-ed

The doorbell rang while we were eating dinner tonight.  When we opened the door no one was there, but there was a "boo bag" overflowing with Halloween treats sitting on the door step.  A poem explaining the game, a picture of a ghost (to be placed on the front door or visible in a window to avoid being boo-ed twice) and a letter with directions accompanied the goody bag.  We had two days to make two copies of the note and two boo bags and secretly deliver them to two neighbors.  The boys took their mission very seriously.  But before they started working on their boo bags, they were determined to figure out who had boo-ed them.  Ryan correctly guessed that it was the Koch boys when he discovered Halloween Cheetos and Fruit by the Foot (their favorite snacks) in the bag.

1 comment:

  1. Did Blue Puppy help you solve the mystery with "boo's clues?"
