Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day (10/19/11) - Sharing Day

For his first sharing day at preschool, Gavin decided to take his friends, Piggy and Monkey.  Piggy (previously known as "Super Pig") used to accompany Ryan everywhere and now sleeps in Gavin's crib every night.  Ryan also had a monkey similar to Gavin's, whom he also called "Monkey."  It's reassuring to see that they have the same good taste in friends!

When asked by his teacher what color Piggy and Monkey are, Gavin answered "blue" for both  However, he was able to imitate the sound both animals make as well as what fruit monkeys like to eat.  He then walked around the circle allowing his classmates to see his friends up close.

1 comment:

  1. We hope that Gavin and Ryan's friendship will grow as they share experiences in their future.
