Friday, July 3, 2009

Gavin's First Days at Home

It's a good thing Gavin was able to rest during his stay in the NICU because his first few days at home have not exactly been peaceful or relaxing. Don't get me wrong, like most newborns, he spends most of his time sleeping, pooping, and eating (in that order!). But, since we have an energetic 2-year-old in the house who also demands our attention, we don't have the luxury of holding Gavin all day, watching him sleep, and marveling at each little coo and baby gurgle. In fact, at the tender age of two weeks old, Gavin has already visited the local playground to watch Ryan play and feed the ducks, gone to the pediatrician, gone on his first walk around the neighborhood, and enjoyed his first bath. Luckily, he's a laid-back baby and doesn't seem to mind - and often sleeps through - the chaos!

Gavin's first pediatrician's appointment was fairly uneventful, though he did have to suffer through the PKU heel prick test and Hep B shot. Like Ryan, he cried briefly and then quickly calmed down. We spent most of the visit informing the doctor about the events that led to Gavin being admitted to the NICU and what happened (medications given, procedures performed, etc.) during his stay. The doctor examined Gavin and reassured us that he's healthy and strong. In fact, he's not only regained his birth weight, but also put on a little weight. The little guy weighed in at 9 lbs, 1 oz, which is in the 90th percentile. He's 21 inches long (which is in the 75th percentile) and his head measured 14.5 cm (which is in the 50th percentile).

Below are some photos of Gavin's first few days at home.

Mommy and Daddy didn't get much sleep Gavin's first night at home, partly because he woke up hungry several times in the middle of the night, but mostly because we were excessively worried and wanted to monitor his breathing by watching the rise and fall of his chest. Gavin, on the other hand, was completely at ease and even slept with his hands behind his head.

Daddy snuggles with his boys.

Ryan prepares for Gavin's first bath by testing the temperature of the bathwater, wetting the washcloth, and sharing his favorite rubber duck.

Gavin eyes us warily and isn't sure what all the excitement is about.

Big brother, Ryan, helps Daddy wash baby Gavin. When Gavin got upset, Ryan tried to comfort him by singing, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

Although he wasn't a fan of the bath at first, Gavin quickly calmed down and enjoyed the post-bath snuggling from Mommy, Daddy, and Ryan.

All cleaned up, smelling good, and ready for bed!
During Gavin's first walk around the neighborhood, Ryan insisted on pushing the stroller himself without help from Mommy or Daddy. After some negotiating, he did agree to let us help him steer since he didn't have a clear view in front of him.

Gavin's version of "Arby's mouth." Like Ryan, Gavin is most comfortable sleeping on Daddy's chest. He snuggles on Daddy's shoulder like a little barnacle bump.

Ryan is such a proud big brother. He wakes up asking for Gavin, tells Gavin he loves him before bed, and gives him hugs and kisses frequently throughout the day. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of how well Ryan has adjusted to his new role.


  1. Granddaddy and Grami SharJuly 4, 2009 at 12:58 AM

    Ryan, we are so proud of you. You are doing such a great job as a big brother. The picture of Mike with both his boys brought a smile to my face; I have long-ago good memories of holding my boys the same way.

  2. Ryan, Gavin is lucky to have such a great big brother! You help take good care of him. We are sure he loves you very much!
