This weekend we made a whirlwind 24-hour trip to Ocean Pines to help Granddaddy celebrate his 65th birthday. When we arrived on Friday afternoon, Granddaddy suggested that we go to an indoor miniature golf course in Ocean City since we had a few hours to spare before the dinner party began. Everything was going smoothly until the 8th or 9th hole, when Gavin accidentally fell into the water. Thankfully, Granddaddy was close by and was able to grab him soon after his head went under. Although Gavin was unfazed by the experience, the rest of us were pretty shaken. It was certainly a "teachable moment." It was an opportunity to remind Ryan of water safey rules and instruct him as to how to handle emergencies in the future (e.g., scream like a banshee until help arrives!). More importantly, for us it was a wake-up call that although we think of Gavin as our little bruiser, he's still at a vulnerable age. I admit, at times I've been somewhat complacent, especially compared to how overly vigilent I was with Ryan at this stage. But no more. Our independent little explorer is going to have to get used to being constantly shadowed by Mommy or Daddy from now on. The good news is that he's safe and so far shows no signs of any infection or communicable disease from that nasty golf course water!

When we returned to Granddaddy's house we bathed Gavin in the hottest water he could tolerate, dressed him in clean clothes, and did a quick load of laundry. Shortly afterward, the rest of the party guests started to arrive. Great-Grandmom, Aunt Susan (who was visitng from New Orleans), Uncle Matty, Uncle Brett, and Grami Shar's family all came to help make Grandaddy's birthday extra special, especially since this was the first birthday in years that he celebrated at home rather than at a Caribbean resort!
For his birthday, Ryan and Gavin presented Granddaddy with original paintings to hang in his office or at home.
Memories !! Swimming with Gavin at mini-golf, a great birthday party, two green-haired grandsons, and taking a dog named Guinness to a St Paddy's Day parade. It just doesn't get much better (if only the Terps had beaten Duke!).